Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Electronic Home Appliances Industry Data 2005-2015

Electronic Home Appliances Industry Data 2005-2015 showing the data, studies, analysis, and research related to all the information about household electronics industries (home appliances) in Indonesia, ranging from the trend of the market value (market size) for the electronic home appliances industry, 14 categories electronic home appliances, analysis of growth trends 2005-2015, the volume of the market (demand) are 14 categories of electronic home appliances, the portion of the product category to the total electronic home appliances market, to market, as well as the global electronics market trends.

This data starting from the growing trend of the market value of the electronic home appliances industry in Indonesia period 2005-2015, supplemented with growth trends, and 14 categories including electronic products home appliances (page 2).

Then, the market size of data is analyzed specifically on page 3 for calculating compound average growth per year (compounded annual growth rate / CAGR) from 2005 to 2015. On page 4, described the market volume of 14 categories of electronic home appliances in Indonesia and trends that have occurred since 2013-2015.

On page 5, for reviews contributed 14 categories of electronic home appliances to total electronic home appliances market in Indonesia. On page 6, described the trend of television market share in Indonesia with eight major players who control the largest market share.

On page 7, show the trend of investment and export of electronic products home appliances since 2007-2025 (forecast). Based on the research, the investment value of the national electronic industry in 2012 is expected to reach US $ 7 billion with exports of US $ 20 billion, the average cumulative investments totaled US $ 500 million per year. On page 8, reviewed the trend of production and absorption of labor in the national electronic industry.

On page 9-10, reviewed the electronic industry development strategy based on the draft 2010-2025 government period. This data is complemented with an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the national electronic industry on pages 11 and 13. Data is also equipped with consumer electronics market behavior of home appliances on page 12.

On pages 14-25, reviews trends in global electronics industry, ranging from the trade balance of electronic products in countries of ASEAN and the portion of the electronic products trading purposes ASEAN countries (page 14), the country's largest electronics exporter in ASEAN and their top 5 most electronic products exported (page 15). Indonesia ranks sixth largest electronics exporter in ASEAN, while electronic products most exported are electronic integrated circuits and micro-assemblies.

On pages 16-18, is displayed comparison matrix competitiveness of manufacturing industry and commodities, including consumer electronics and electronic components, of all countries in ASEAN. These data include the projected growth in the global electronics industry by region 2013-2015 period on page 19, the trend of global electronic market value and its 2005-2015 growth trend on page 20. In particular, the data showing the trend of the global electronics market size divided by region, complete with growth trends, population size, and average number of residents per household. Southeast Asia and China is the largest global electronics market with a population of 3.9 billion people, GDP of 6.7% (2015), and market value of more than US $ 70 billion.

No lag, also shown on pages 24-25 of the top 10 global market share for the electronics industry with a complete home appliance sales value.

As many as 26 pages of data comes from the Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the Electronic Marketer Club (EMC), Indonesian Electronics Association (Gabel), a number of the largest electronics company, and processed

Download the database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

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  1. Dear Import Dept / Purchasing Dept

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